Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Flash Player 10.3 Advanced Echo Cancellation(AEC) Errors

Flash Player 10.3 Advanced Echo Cancellation(AEC) Errors

VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.media::MicrophoneEnhancedOptions could not be found
TypeError: Error #1006: getEnhancedMicrophone is not a function

Add following line to your compiler arguments window in Flash Builder:
Project > Properties > Additional compiler arguments:


Just to be sure, here you can get the SDK. You will need 4.5



----- Conditional code ---

if ((getFlashPlayerVersion() >= 10.3) && (phoneOptions.enabledEchoCancel)) {
 mic = Microphone(Microphone["getEnhancedMicrophone"]());
 var options:MicrophoneEnhancedOptions = new MicrophoneEnhancedOptions();
 options.mode = MicrophoneEnhancedMode.FULL_DUPLEX;
 options.autoGain = false;
 options.echoPath = 128;
 options.nonLinearProcessing = true;
public static function getFlashPlayerVersion():Number {
 var versionString:String = Capabilities.version;
 var pattern:RegExp = /^(\w*) (\d*),(\d*),(\d*),(\d*)$/;
 var result:Object = pattern.exec(versionString);
 if (result != null) {
  return Number(result[2] + "." + result[3]);
 } else {
  return 0;

Reference : http://www.eliatlas.com/blog/2011/06/19/flash-player-10-3-echo-cancellation-errors/

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Changing IP Address of Big Blue Button installation

Changing IP Address of Big Blue Button

 if the output from ifconfig shows your VM is listening to IP address, then issue the following command
  sudo bbb-conf --setip
If you need to restart BigBlueButton, do the command

   bbb-conf --clean
and this will do a clean restart.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

TSL - TARGET Specific Langauge

TSL - TARGET Specific Langauge

TSL is a DSL (Domain Specific Langauge) created for TARGET. TARGET is a Web Test automation framework I have created on top of existing open source project "Selenium". TSL will let you create test cases using plan english with NO or less knowledge of programming langauges like java, php etc.

A Sample TSL Script

open "http://www.google.com" in IE
click on "Maps"

The above two lines are valid TSL commands,
first line opens IE browser and loads google.com home page
second line click on "Maps" link on the page

TSL will also support scripting langauges like JQuery, Groovy, Javascript etc , You can use any of these script to create new custom TSL commands.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Get Flex component position

How can I get the component position dynamically/at runtime and I use H/VBox to layout the component.

- use 'getBounds'

var rect:Rectangle = Container(childComponent).getBounds(parent);

rect.x will give 'x' coordinates
rect.y will give 'y' coordinates

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Enabling Or Disabling Directory Listings Using Web.xml

Enabling or Disabling the directory listing using default servlet in tomcat.

<param-value>false</param-value> // change to "true" for listing

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc).

Using Wink you can capture screenshots of your software, use images that you already have, type-in explanations for each step, create a navigation sequence complete with buttons, delays, titles etc and create a highly effective tutorial for your users.

Output formats: Export your presentations as Macromedia Flash, Standalone EXE, PDF, PostScript, HTML or any of the above image formats. Use Flash/html for the web, EXE for distributing to PC users and PDF for printable manuals


Thursday, October 19, 2006

JDO Genie

JDO Genie is a high performance Java Data Objects implementation supporting leading commercial and open source relational databases. Developers do not have to write any SQL. It comes with a comprehensive IDE for generating tables from classes, mapping classes to existing tables, developing queries, editing objects, and realtime performance monitoring. Integrated caching and optimized SQL generation ensure excellent performance. It supports JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, and other servlet engines and 2-tier applications.


I am planning to try some thing on JDO Genie, Will update my findings and progress.